What would I like with Daniel on the side...
Reclining in my hot tub, Daniel is on the side, dressed only in swimming shorts. He has a tray of finger foods, grapes,
strawberries, raspberries, melon chunks. He is dipping them into whipped cream and feeding them to me, slowly, good boy! Taking
time to allow me to savor each different flavor.
It is cold out and he has to be a very good boy to be allowed in the warmth with me, His firm hands are now rubbing my
neck, I do believe he has earned the right to come into the warmth.
Slowly he climbs into the hot tub, immersing himself fully into the water. The water beads on his muscles as he sits partly
out of the water, it trickles down his neck.
End of pg13 version... you can take it from there